ExchangeRates.executeMethod Method

This method enables the initiation of the exchange rate inquiry. 
It proceeds so by returning a string that indicates whether the communication was successful or unsuccessful.
Public Function executeMethod() As String
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public string executeMethod()
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Return Value

  ExchangeRates exR = new ExchangeRates(4, "EUR", "USD", 100.0, "01/01/2021");
  // if the method is correct, you'll get the answer "success", so you can continue.
  // Otherwise, you'll get back the errors so you can handle them properly.
  string result = exR.executeMethod();
  string base_code = exR.get_base_code(); // Retrieve Base Currency (EUR)
  string target_code = exR.get_target_code(); // Retrieve Target Currency (USD)
  string conversion_rate = exR.get_conversion_rate(); // Retrieve Exchange Rate (1 EUR to USD)
  string conversion_result = exR.get_conversion_result(); // Retrieve Currency Conversion (100 EUR to USD)
  // This is the only working retrieve method in the trial version.
  Dictionary<string, object> conversion_rates = exR.get_conversion_rates(); // Retrieve the base currency's exchange rate against ALL world currencies.
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  Dim exR As ExchangeRates = New ExchangeRates(4, "EUR", "USD", 100.0, "01/01/2021")
  ' if the method is correct, you'll get the answer "success", so you can continue.
  ' Otherwise, you'll get back the errors so you can handle them properly.
  Dim result As String = exR.executeMethod()
  Dim base_code As String = exR.get_base_code() ' Retrieve Base Currency (EUR)
  Dim target_code As String = exR.get_target_code() ' Retrieve Target Currency (USD)
  Dim conversion_rate As String = exR.get_conversion_rate() ' Retrieve Exchange Rate (1 EUR to USD)
  Dim conversion_result As String = exR.get_conversion_result() ' Retrieve Currency Conversion (100 EUR to USD)
  ' This is the only working retrieve method in the trial version.
  Dim conversion_rates As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = exR.get_conversion_rates() ' Retrieve the base currency's exchange rate against ALL world currencies. 
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.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

In this article
