ExchangeRates Constructor

Creates a new instance of the ExchangeRates 
Only method 4 is available in the trial version.
Public Sub New( _ 
ByVal ArbitransUser As String, _ 
ByVal ArbitransKey As String, _ 
ByVal method As Integer, _ 
ByVal baseCurrency As String, _ 
ByVal targetCurrency As String, _ 
Optional ByVal Amount As Double = 0.0, _ 
Optional ByVal startDate As Date = Nothing _ 
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public ExchangeRates( 
string ArbitransUser
string ArbitransKey
int method
string baseCurrency
string targetCurrency
double Amount = 0.0, 
DateTime startDate = Nothing 
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User Name provided by Arbitrans


Key provided by Arbitrans


The method that will be used.. 
Method 1: Get every ISO currency code. This method is not available in the trial version. 
Method 2: Either ascertain the exchange rate of the base currency to all currencies globally, or convert a designated quantity of base currency to all currencies globally utilising the exchange rate as of a particular date. This method is not available in the trial version. 
Method 3: Get the most recent base currency to target currency exchange rate information, including the target's currency details (name, symbol, etc.). This method is not available in the trial version. 
Method 4: For all world currencies, get the most recent exchange rate of the base currency.  
Method 5: Determine the exchange rate between the base currency and the target currency by researching the exchange rate as of a specific date. This method is not available in the trial version.


Base Currency (example EUR)


Target Currency (example USD)


The amount you want to convert from the base currency to the target currency.


The date by which you desire the base currency exchange rate to the target currency.

 ExchangeRates exR = new ExchangeRates(4, "EUR", "USD", 100.0, "01/01/2021");
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 Dim exR As ExchangeRates = New ExchangeRates(4, "EUR", "USD", 100.0, "01/01/2021")
This language is not supported or no code example is available.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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