classifications Structure

Struct classifications 
It contains all the necessary fields required for a Classification line.
Public Structure classifications
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public struct classifications
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Name Description
Public field VatAmount The Vat Amount 
This field is used only for Expenses Classification and only when the perInvoice option is True. 
If the classificationCategory is "category2_5", then the VatAmount should be zero (0).
Public field VatCategory mandatory field only for expenses classification lines, even if the line has no vat amount. 
You can get the accepted values of this field by using the myDATATools.getF2Category 
The vat category, type of String
Public field VatCategoryShort The Vat Category, example 1. 
NOTE: This field refers to the result values you get from getVatCategory 
This field is used only for Expenses Classification and only when the perInvoice option is True.
Public field VatExemptionCategory The Vat Exemption Category, example 16.  
NOTE: This field refers to the result values you get from getVatCategory 
This field is used only for Expenses Classification and only when the perInvoice option is True and only if the classification is about article 39a.
Public field amount The amount, type of Double This field usually refers to the netValue. 
However, if the classificationCategory is "category2_5", then the amount is the sum of netValue + vatAmount of the invoice.
Public field classificationCategory Use the myDATATools.getValidCategory or myDATATools.getAllCategoriesNames to populate this field. The classification category, type of String
Public field classificationType Use the myDATATools.getValidE3 or myDATATools.getValidE3Names to populate this field. The classification type, type of String
Public field deviation The deviation, type of Boolean 
If true, the invoice will be marked as a deviation. 
NOTE: You cannot use both reject and deviation in the same invoice.
Public field lineNumber The line number of the invoice, type of Integer. 
ATTENTION: This number is not always an auto-increment number. You have to use the actual line number of the invoice sent. To get that number, you have to use the RequestInvoices.getInvoice.
Public field rdType The Reject/Deviation Type, type of Integer 
1 is for Income Reject/Deviation 
2 is for Expenses Reject/Deviation 
NOTE1: The value is only considerd when reject is true or deviation is true. Otherwise, this value is ignored. 
NOTE2: Leave this option empty if you're not sure whether the rejection or deviation relates to income or expenses; in that case, it will be tested in both scenarios.
Public field reject The reject, type of Boolean 
If true, the invoice will be rejected. 
NOTE: You cannot use both reject and deviation in the same invoice.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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