VivaWalletPOS.getTransactionID Method

This function can be used to get the Transaction ID of a sale/refund.
Public Function getTransactionID( _ 
ByVal sessionID As String
) As String
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public string getTransactionID( 
string sessionID 
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The unique session identifier. You specified this Transaction.sessionID (or RefundTransaction.sessionID) when you created a new transaction.

Return Value

 VivaWalletPOS vw = new VivaWalletPOS("Arbitrans User", "Arbitrans Key", "ClientID", "ClientSecret", false);
 string result = vw.getTransactionID("my custom session ID");
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 Dim vw As VivaWalletPOS = New VivaWalletPOS("Arbitrans User", "Arbitrans Key", "ClientID", "ClientSecret", False)
 Dim result As String = vw.getTransactionID("my custom session ID")
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.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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