aadeProviderId Field

Unique Number to identify specific Provider (ΥΠΑΗΕΣ).
Public aadeProviderId As Nullable(Of Integer)
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public Nullable<int> aadeProviderId
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Field Value

You may find below the unique number to identify specific Provider (ΥΠΑΗΕΣ): 
In bold, you can find the currently supported invoicing providers. VivaDemo - 999 (VivaWallet uses this code for development purposes) 
SoftOne - 101 
EnterSoft - 102 
Impact - 103 
Epsilon Net - 104 
Novus Conceptus - 105 
Cloud Services IKE - 106 
Primer Software - 107 
ILYDA = 108 
Prosvasis = 109 
MAT = 110 
Simply = 111 
Kappa = 112 
SBZ = 113 
OneSys = 114 
ORIAN = 115 
TESAE = 116 
Karpodinis = 117 
Cloud T = 118 
Πάροχος Λύσεων Πληροφορικής Α.Ε. = 119

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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