RefundTransaction Structure

Struct RefundTransaction 
It contains all the necessary fields require for a refund transaction
Public Structure RefundTransaction
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public struct RefundTransaction
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Name Description
Public field amount mandatory field 
Amount to be authorized
Public field cashRegisterID mandatory field 
The identification number for the cash register. The cash register identification number should be entered if the invoice is issued by said cash register. 
In the absence of a Cash Register ID, enter "no Cash Register" as the text.
Public field currencyCode ISO 4217 numeric currency code
Public field customerTrns Free text value that can be used by the customer as a reference
Public field merchantReference Free text value that can be used by the merchant as a reference
Public field parentSessionID mandatory field 
The unique session identifier. You specified this Transaction.sessionID when you created a new transaction.
Public field sessionID mandatory field 
Each transaction should have its own unique value entered into this free text field. This may be a distinct date that varies with each new transaction that is generated.
Public field terminalID mandatory field 
The POS Terminal ID. Use the VivaWalletPOS.getAvailablePOS method to get this value

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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