MellonGroupPOS.sendTransaction Method

Sends a new transaction to the POS.
Public Function sendTransaction( _ 
ByVal APIKey As String, _ 
ByVal terminalID As String, _ 
ByVal transaction As posTransaction
) As Dictionary(Of String, String)
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public Dictionary<string, string> sendTransaction( 
string APIKey
string terminalID
posTransaction transaction 
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The API key that is obtained by the getApiKey method.


The Terminal ID. You can retrive all available terminals using the getTerminalList Method.


The POS Transaction, type of posTransaction.

Return Value

Dictionary<string, string>
 MellonGroupPOS(mlg == new MellonGroupPOS("Arbitrans User", "Arbitrans Key", false));
 // Initialize a new posTransaction object. Utilizing 'mlg.newTransaction', you can only input the necessary fields.
 MellonGroupPOS.posTransaction tra = mlg.newTransaction;
 tra.TxnType = 0;
 tra.Amount = 112.37d;
 tra.Instalments = 12;
 tra.Timeout = 60;
 tra.CustomerReference = "TEST TRANSACTION - SIMPLE";
 // Send the transaction to the POS and get the result of the transaction.
 Dictionary<string, string> traRes = mlg.sendTransaction("myAPIKey", "myTerminalID", tra);
This language is not supported or no code example is available.
 MellonGroupPOS mlg = new MellonGroupPOS("Arbitrans User", "Arbitrans Key", False)
 'Initialize a new posTransaction object. Utilizing 'mlg.newTransaction', you can only input the necessary fields.
 Dim tra As MellonGroupPOS.posTransaction = mlg.newTransaction
 tra.TxnType = 0
 tra.Amount = 112.37
 tra.Instalments = 12
 tra.Timeout = 60
 tra.CustomerReference = "TEST TRANSACTION - SIMPLE"
 'Send the transaction to the POS and get the result of the transaction.
 Dim traRes As Dictionary(Of String, String) = mlg.sendTransaction("myAPIKey", "myTerminalID", tra)
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.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

In this article
