transaction Structure

Public Structure transaction
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public struct transaction
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Name Description
Public field Acquirer The acquirer of the transaction.
Public field Amount The transaction amount.
Public field Approved True if transaction is Approved, false otherwise
Public field AuthCode The authorization code of the authorization system
Public field Batch The name of the batch this transaction belongs to
Public field BatchNumber The number of the batch this transaction belongs to
Public field CardHash The truncated Hash of the card
Public field CardPAN The truncated PAN of the card
Public field CashbackAmount The transaction cashback amount
Public field Cryptogram The transaction cryptogram
Public field CurrencyCode The ISO 4217 numerical currency code. 
978 for EUR
Public field CustomerEmail Email that a receipt was sent
Public field CustomerPhone Phone that a receipt was sent
Public field CustomerReference The Customer Reference of the transaction.
Public field DccAmount The transaction DCC amount
Public field DccCurrencyCode The ISO 4217 numerical currency code. 
978 for EUR
Public field EcrTokenResult The ECR token result of the transaction.
Public field HostResponseCode The response code of the Host
Public field Id The unique identifier of the intent for the POS backend
Public field InitialTransaction Reference to the transaction details of the initial transaction
Public field Instalments The number of instalments
Public field LoyaltyRedemptionAmount The transaction loyalty redemption amount
Public field MID Merchant ID of the terminal that performed the transaction
Public field OriginalAuthCode The authorization code of the initial transaction
Public field OriginalRRN The RRN of the initial transaction
Public field PosEntryMode The entry mode of the transaction to the POS.
Public field RRN The retrieval reference number of the authorization system
Public field Result The intent result
Public field STAN The System Trace Audit Number of the transaction as set by the authorization system
Public field Status The intent status
Public field TID Terminal ID of the terminal that performed the transaction
Public field Terminal Reference to the terminal which this intent was sent to
Public field Timestamp The transaction completion timestamp.
Public field TipAmount The tip amount.
Public field Transaction Reference to the transaction details of the completed
Public field TransactionId The unique transaction id required in the Greek market as mandated and defined by law.
Public field TxnType The transaction type.
Public field Void Is this a transaction intent or a transaction void intent?
Public field VoidTimestamp The transaction void completion timestamp
Public field Voided True if transaction is Voided, false otherwise

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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