ProviderData Structure

Struct ProviderData 
It contains all of the necessary fields to store the provider's data for the POS transaction. 
The posTransaction uses this structrure.
Public Structure ProviderData
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public struct ProviderData
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Name Description
Public field Mark The MARK of the invoice
Public field NetAmount Mandatory Field 
The price of goods without any VAT applied to it
Public field ProviderId Mandatory Field 
The Provider ID. 
You can find a list of all provider IDs here: 
Public field Signature Mandatory Field 
Provider's signature
Public field SignatureTimestamp Mandatory Field 
The generation timestamp of ProviderSignature in the same format as in the signature itself, namely YYYYMMDDhhmmss in Greece local time
Public field TotalAmount Mandatory Field 
The amount of VAT that is applied to the net amount
Public field Uid Mandatory Field 
The UID of the invoice
Public field VatAmount Mandatory Field 
The amount of VAT that is applied to the net amount

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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