DigitalCustomers.GetCustomerUpdateHistory Method

Get all customer updates into a DataTable, ready to be displayed in a grid. 
Public Function GetCustomerUpdateHistory() As DataTable
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public DataTable GetCustomerUpdateHistory()
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Return Value

 var dgc = new DigitalCustomers("AADEUserID", "OcpApimSubscriptionKey", "EntityVatNumber", "Arbitrans User", "Arbitrans Key", false);
 string[] searchParam = new[] { "100000000000100" };
 dgc.RequestCustomers(100000000000001L, 5, searchParam, true);
 DataTable dt = dgc.getCustomerUpdateHistory();
 DataGridView1.DataSource = dt; // Load DataTable directly to a DataGridView
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 Dim dgc as DigitalCustomers = new DigitalCustomers("AADEUserID", "OcpApimSubscriptionKey", "EntityVatNumber", "Arbitrans User", "Arbitrans Key", False)
 Dim searchParam As String() = {"100000000000100"}
 dgc.RequestCustomers(100000000000001, 5, searchParam, True)
 Dim dt As DataTable = dgc.getCustomerUpdateHistory()
 DataGridView1.DataSource = dt 'Load DataTable directly to a DataGridView
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.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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