ProvPrimer.productActivation (String, Boolean) Method

You can use this method as many times as you want to get updated data about the user and the company data (start date, expiry date, remaining invoices)
Public Function productActivation( _ 
ByVal serialNumber As String, _ 
ByVal analysis As Boolean
) As Dictionary(Of String, String)
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public Dictionary<string, string> productActivation( 
string serialNumber
bool analysis 
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The serial Number of the Provider's Service


Return Value

Dictionary<string, string>
 var pri = new ProvPrimer("primerUser", "primerParssowrd", false);
 Dictionary<string, string> prodDet = pri.productActivation("<productSerialNumber>", true); // activate the product And get product details.
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 Dim pri As ProvPrimer = New ProvPrimer("primerUser", "primerParssowrd", False)
 Dim prodDet As Dictionary(Of String, String) = pri.productActivation("<productSerialNumber>", True) 'activate the product and get product details.
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.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

In this article
