ProvPrimer.productActivation (String) Method

You can use this method to activate a Primer Service.
Public Function productActivation( _ 
ByVal serialNumber As String
) As Boolean
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public bool productActivation( 
string serialNumber 
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The serial Number of the Provider's Service

Return Value

 var pri = new ProvPrimer("primerUser", "primerParssowrd", false);
 bool prodAct = pri.productActivation("<productSerialNumber>"); // activate primer's product. Returns True if it is activated.
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 Dim pri As ProvPrimer = New ProvPrimer("primerUser", "primerParssowrd", False)
 Dim prodAct As Boolean = pri.productActivation("<productSerialNumber>") 'activate primer's product. Returns True if it is activated.
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.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

In this article
