CustomerData Structure

CustomerData Structure - Read Only 
It contains all the fields returned from getCustomer
Public Structure CustomerData
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public struct CustomerData
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Name Description
Public field amount The agreed payment amount
Public field branch The entity's branch. If there is no branch, then branch = 0.
Public field clientServiceType It must match with useCase 
Get the possible values using the myDATATools.getDclClientServiceType method.
Public field comments Free Text - max 150 chars
Public field completionDateTime The date and time that the entry was completed
Public field continuousService Determines if the service is continuous.
Public field cooperatingVatNumber The Cooperating VAT Number
Public field correlatedDclId Fill this field withe ID of the correlated customer.
Public field creationDateTime The creation Date Time. 
Mandatory field only when transmissionFailure = 1
Public field customerCountry Get all available Countries using getCountries()
Public field customerVatNumber Mandatory Field
Public field dclID Customer's ID
Public field entryCompletion Determines if the entry is completed or not
Public field exitDateTime The date and time of departure for other tasks 
Mandatory field when offSiteProvidedService has value
Public field fromAgreedPeriodDate The "From" agreed Date 
Mandatory field only when continuousService is True
Public field invoiceCounterCountry Mandatory Field 
Get all available Countries using getCountries()
Public field invoiceCounterVatNumber Customer's VAT Number
Public field invoiceKind The invoice kind, type of Integer 
Get the possible values using the myDATATools.getDclInvoiceKind method.
Public field isDiffVehReturnLocation Determines if the vehicle return location is different
Public field lastUpdateID Last Update ID
Public field mixedService Determines if the service is mixed.
Public field nonIssueInvoice Determines if the invoice has not been issued for this customer
Public field offSiteProvidedService The invoice kind, type of Integer 
Get the possible values using the myDATATools.getDclOffSiteProvidedServiceType method. 
If an invoice was not issued, the reasonNonIssueType is mandatory to be filled.
Public field otherBranch The entity's branch. If there is no branch, then branch = 0.
Public field periodicity Determines the periodcity of the service
Public field providedServiceCategory Get the possible values using the myDATATools.getDclProvidedServiceCategory method. 
When providedServiceCategory = 5, then the field providedServiceCategoryOther must have value.
Public field providedServiceCategoryOther Free text 
Mandatory field when providedServiceCategory = 5
Public field reasonNonIssueType The reason why an invoice was not issued. Get the possible values using the myDATATools.getDclReasonNonIssueType method. 
Mandatory field when invoiceKind has no value
Public field recurringService Determines if the service is recurring.
Public field toAgreedPeriodDate The "To" agreed Date 
Mandatory field only when continuousService is True
Public field transmissionFailure Determines if the customer created earlier than today. 
If the customer created earlier than today, then transmissionFailure = 1
Public field updatedComments Free Text - max 150 chars
Public field useCase It will have only one of them: 
Public field vehicleReturnLocation Free Text 
Determines the Vehicle return Location

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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