company Structure

Use this structure in companyActivation in order to activate the company to Primer's Systems. 
It contains all the necessary information of the company.
Public Structure company
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public struct company
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Name Description
Public field address mandatory field 
Company's address. 
Example: New Street 57-59
Public field branches Company's Branches except the central, as List(Of Branch
If there is no representative leave this fill empty
Public field city mandatory field 
Company's city 
Example: Athens
Public field companyName mandatory field 
Company's legal name as it is registered to AADE 
Example: Papadopoulos G.
Public field doy mandatory field 
Company's Tax Office  
Example: A' Athinon
Public field email mandatory field 
Company's email 
Public field gemiNumber mandatory field 
Company's registration number in GEMI (Business Portal)
Public field job mandatory field 
Company's main job 
Example: Online Accounting Services
Public field phoneNumber mandatory field 
Company's phone number 
Example: +302101111111
Public field representativeFirstName mandatory field 
Company's representative First Name 
Public field representativeLastName mandatory field 
Company's representative Last Name 
Public field representativeVatNumber mandatory field 
Company's representative Vat Number 
Public field smallName mandatory field 
Company's trade title. Leave empty if it the same as companyName 
Example: Electroservices
Public field vatNumber mandatory field 
Company's Greek Vat Number without the country code 
Example: 123456789
Public field zipCode mandatory field 
Company's Zip Code 
Example: 12345

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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