arbitrans_myDATA_framework Namespace

Name Description
Public class Activation Class Activation 
Through this class, you can manage your subscription. 
Public class CancelInvoice Class CancelInvoice 
This class enables the cancellation of myDATA invoices. The ability to cancel invoices is exclusive to ERP systems. 
Invoicing Providers are unable to cancel invoices directly with myDATA. A Type 5.1 - Credit Invoice (Associated) must be issued by the invoicing provider in order to cancel an invoice.
Public class ExchangeRates Class ExchangeRates 
You can obtain the exchange rates for any currency and convert any quantity of one currency to another using this class.
Public class RequestInvoices Class Request Invoices 
With this class, you can retrieve the invoices sent by the entity or sent to the entity.
Public class RequestInvoicesProvider Class Request Invoices 
With this class, you can retrieve the invoices sent by the entity or sent to the entity.
Public class RequestMyExpenses Class RequestMyExpenses 
By this class you can retrieve the expenses invoices.
Public class RequestMyIncome Class RequestMyIncome 
By this class you can retrieve the income invoices.
Public class RequestReceiverInfoProvider Class Request Invoices 
With this class, you can retrieve the invoices sent by the entity or sent to the entity.
Public class RequestVatInfo
Public class SendClassifications Class SendClassifications 
With this class, you can send Classifications (income or expenses) for myDATA invoices or reject myDATA invoices. 
To send a classification, it's necessary to know the MARK of the invoice and the valid classification combination for that Invoice.
Public class SendInvoices Class SendInvoices 
With this class, you can send Invoices to myDATA.
Public class SendPaymentsMethod Class SendPaymentsMethod 
With this class, you can send payments for myDATA invoices. 
The MARK of the original invoice for which you are sending payment must be known in order to send a payment.
Public class VatSearchTaxis With this class, you can retrieve the details of a specific company using the VAT Number.
Public class VatSearchVIES With this class, you can retrieve the details of a specific company from VIES
Public class VivaWalletPOS With this class, you can implement all VivaWallet POS connection with your software. 
Viva Wallet is the first European entirely cloud-based Neobank with presence in 24 European Countries.
Public class myDATATools Class myDATATools 
This class contains important and useful tools for managing myDATA. 
With this class, you can access functions to get a detailed analysis of some invoice fields or even retrieve ISO countries and currency codes. 
Combining the functionality of this class with other classes is the best way to manage my data.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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