correctB2G Structure

To resend an invoice to PEPPOL, use this structure with resendB2G
From the containg fields, only those that need to be changed must have values, except the mark which is a mandatory field.
Public Structure correctB2G
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public struct correctB2G
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Name Description
Public field BuyerReference If it is to be changed, it must only have value. 
The Buyer Reference for the invoice. 
This field must contain a reference to the buyer, which can be either an actual reference provided by the buyer or "NA" if no specific buyer reference is available.
Public field ContractReference If it is to be changed, it must only have value. 
The contract identifier. 
This filled in with the Online Contract Posting Number (ΑΔΑΜ) of the Center Electronic Register of Public Contracts (ΚΗΜΔΗΣ), in accordance with article 38 of Law 4412/2016 (A.147) and when there is no ΑΔΑΜ it is filled in with a value of 0
Public field ProjectReference If it is to be changed, it must only have value. 
The identification of the project. 
syntax of the value: option|identification 
Possible Values: 
1|Online Post Number - example 1|1234567 - When the contracting authority is its body Central Administration in accordance with article 14 of law 4270/2014 (A.143) and the costs are borne by regular budget. 
2|nine digit number - example 2|123456789 - When the expenses are borne by the Public Investment Budget 
3|Online Post Number - example 3|1234567 - When the expenses are not covered by the above budgets
Public field PurchaseOrderReference If it is to be changed, it must only have value. 
The Purchase Order Reference for the invoice. This field must contain the reference to the purchase order issued by the buyer.
Public field govID If it is to be changed, it must only have value. 
Get the Gov ID list using the myDATATools.getGovs
Public field mark The mark of the initial invoice, as you got it from SendInvoice.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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