posTransaction Structure

To manually get the provider's POS signature, the POS transaction structure is required. The structure is applied to getPOSSignature(posTransaction) 
Use this structure only for deferred payments applied on credit (myDATATools.getPaymentMethods = 5) invoices completed using POS.
Public Structure posTransaction
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public struct posTransaction
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Name Description
Public field cancelAllPending It should be used Only for deferred payments (method getPOSSignature). 
Important: If there is no deferred payment, this field should be empty! 
If True all other pending payments for the invoice will be canceled. 
It should be used with caution, only there is an actual need for cancellation.
Public field invoiceID Mandatory Field 
The invoiceID as returned from ProvOrian.SendInvoice
Public field paidAmount Mandatory Field 
The amount paid with POS, as sent at Transaction.amount.
Public field posProtocol Default Value 3 
The POS protocol that it will be used for generating the signature. 
Possible values: 
CardLink: 1 
CommonWeb: 2 
VivaWallet: 3
Public field terminalID Mandatory Field 
The POS Terminal ID.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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