ProvIlyda.SendInvoice Method

Send the invoice to Ilyda provider. 
Provider returns a dictionary(Of String, String) having any results (success or errors).
Public Function SendInvoice( _ 
ByVal inv As invoice, _ 
ByVal ilydaData As ilydaData
) As Dictionary(Of String, String)
This language is not supported or no code example is available.
public Dictionary<string, string> SendInvoice( 
invoice inv
ilydaData ilydaData 
This language is not supported or no code example is available.



The myDATA invoice, type of invoice


The provider data, type of ilydaData

Return Value

Dictionary<string, string>

A dictionary(Of String, String) containing provider's answer.

  invoice invoice = sni.newInvoice;
  #region issuer and counterpart - Fill in only the fields you need.
  	invoice.issuer.vatNumber = "555777001"; = "GR";
  	invoice.counterpart.vatNumber = "555777002"; = "GR";
  #region elements - Fill in only the fields you need.
  	invoice.elements.series = "IZ";
  	invoice.elements.aa = 1;
  	invoice.elements.issueDate = DateTime.Now;
  	invoice.elements.invoiceType = "1.1";
  #region Lines - Fill in only the fields you need.
  	invoiceLine ln = sni.newLine;
  	ln.netValue = 200.0d;
  	ln.VatCategory = 1;
  	ln.VatAmount = 48.0d;
  	ln.lineComments = "line comment";
  	ln.classification.Type = "E3_561_001";
  	ln.classification.Category = "category1_1";
  #region payments
  	paymentMethod tmpPay = sni.newPaymentMethod;
  	tmpPay.@type = 1;
  	tmpPay.amount = 496.0d;
  #region Ilyda Data
  	var ily = default(ilydaData);
  	ily.extraDetails.issuerName = "George M.";
  	ily.extraDetails.issuerAddress = "New Street 111";
  	ily.extraDetails.issuerPostalCode = "12345";
  	ily.extraDetails.issuerCity = "Thessaloniki";
  	ily.extraDetails.issuerEmail = "";
  	ily.extraDetails.issuerPhone = "00302101111111";
  	ily.extraDetails.issuerJob = "Retail Services";
      ily.extraDetails.issuerTaxOffice = "A' Athinon";
      ily.extraDetails.issuerGemh = "11111111111111111";
  	ily.extraDetails.counterpartName = "Papadopoulos G.";
  	ily.extraDetails.counterpartAddress = "New street 57";
  	ily.extraDetails.counterpartPostalCode = "12345";
  	ily.extraDetails.counterpartCity = "Athens";
  	ily.extraDetails.counterpartEmail = "";
  	ily.extraDetails.counterpartPhone = "00302101111111";
  	ily.extraDetails.counterpartCode = "1000001";
      ily.extraDetails.counterpartJob = "Online Services and Software";
      ily.extraDetails.counterpartTaxOffice = "A' Athinon";
      ily.extraDetails.invoiceNotes = "";
  	ily.extraDetails.paymentTerms = "POS Payment";
  	ily.extraDetails.paymentTerminalID = "1234567890";
  	ily.extraDetails.contractReference = "24SSSS111111111";
  	ily.extraDetails.projectReference = "3|1234567";
  	var pLines = new List<provLine>();
  	var pline = new provLine();
  	pline.discountPercentage = 0.0d;
  	pline.discountAmount = 0.0d;
  	pline.itemName = "TEST PRODUCT";
  	pline.itemCode = "123";
  	pline.countryOfOrigin = "US";
  	pline.peppolTaxCategory = "S";
  	pline.peppolMeasurementUnit = "XUN";
  	pline.itemMeasurmentUnit = "BOX";
  	var pItems = new List<peppolItemClass>();
  	var pItem = default(peppolItemClass);
  	pItem.itemID = "03100000-2";
  	pItem.itemClass = "STI";
  	pline.itemClass = pItems;
  	ily.invoiceLines = pLines;
  var il = new ProvIlyda("ilydaUser", "ilydaPassword", "arbUser", "arbKey", false);
  Dictionary<string, string> fResult = il.SendInvoice(invoice, ily);					
This language is not supported or no code example is available.
  Dim invoice As invoice = sni.newInvoice
  #Region "issuer and counterpart - Fill in only the fields you need."
          invoice.issuer.vatNumber = "555777001"
 = "GR"
          invoice.counterpart.vatNumber = "555777002"
 = "GR"
  #End Region
  #Region "elements - Fill in only the fields you need."
          invoice.elements.series = "IZ"
          invoice.elements.aa = 1
          invoice.elements.issueDate = Date.Now
          invoice.elements.invoiceType = "1.1"
  #End Region
  #Region "Lines - Fill in only the fields you need."
          Dim ln As invoiceLine = sni.newLine
          ln.netValue = 200.0
          ln.VatCategory = 1
          ln.VatAmount = 48.0
          ln.lineComments = "line comment"
          ln.classification.Type = "E3_561_001"
          ln.classification.Category = "category1_1"
  #End Region
  #Region "payments"
          Dim tmpPay As paymentMethod = sni.newPaymentMethod
          tmpPay.type = 1
          tmpPay.amount = 496.0
  #End Region
  #Region "Ilyda Data"
      Dim ily As ilydaData
      ily.extraDetails.issuerName = "George M."
      ily.extraDetails.issuerAddress = "New Street 111"
      ily.extraDetails.issuerPostalCode = "12345"
      ily.extraDetails.issuerCity = "Thessaloniki"
      ily.extraDetails.issuerEmail = ""
      ily.extraDetails.issuerPhone = "00302101111111"
      ily.extraDetails.issuerJob = "Retail Services"
      ily.extraDetails.issuerTaxOffice = "A' Athinon"
      ily.extraDetails.issuerGemh = "11111111111111111"
      ily.extraDetails.counterpartName = "Papadopoulos G."
      ily.extraDetails.counterpartAddress = "New street 57"
      ily.extraDetails.counterpartPostalCode = "12345"
      ily.extraDetails.counterpartCity = "Athens"
      ily.extraDetails.counterpartEmail = ""
      ily.extraDetails.counterpartPhone = "00302101111111"
      ily.extraDetails.counterpartCode = "1000001"
      ily.extraDetails.counterpartJob = "Online Services and Software"
      ily.extraDetails.counterpartTaxOffice = "A' Athinon"
      ily.extraDetails.invoiceNotes = ""
      ily.extraDetails.paymentTerms = "POS Payment"
      ily.extraDetails.paymentTerminalID = "1234567890"
      ily.extraDetails.contractReference = "24SSSS111111111"
      ily.extraDetails.projectReference = "3|1234567"
      Dim pLines As New List(Of provLine)
      Dim pline As New provLine
      pline.discountPercentage = 0.0
      pline.discountAmount = 0.0
      pline.itemName = "TEST PRODUCT"
      pline.itemCode = "123"
      pline.countryOfOrigin = "US"
      pline.peppolTaxCategory = "S"
      pline.peppolMeasurementUnit = "XUN"
      pline.itemMeasurmentUnit = "BOX"
      Dim pItems As New List(Of peppolItemClass)
      Dim pItem As peppolItemClass
      pItem.itemID = "03100000-2"
      pItem.itemClass = "STI"
      pline.itemClass = pItems
      ily.invoiceLines = pLines
  #End Region
  Dim il As ProvIlyda = New ProvIlyda("ilydaUser", "ilydaPassword", "arbUser", "arbKey", False)
  Dim fResult As Dictionary(Of String, String) = il.SendInvoice(invoice, ily)
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.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

In this article
