provLine Structure

Struct provLine 
It contains the fields that are demaning by the provider and/or Peppol system for B2G transactions for every invoice line. 
Fill these fields only if you use an invoicing provider class (ex ProvIlyda) for sending you Income Invoice.
Public Structure provLine
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public struct provLine
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Name Description
Public field countryOfOrigin Mandatory field 
The country where the item/service initial came from. 
Example CN 
Get the ISO 3166 Country Codes for all countries around the world using the myDATATools.getCountries
Public field discountAmount The line discount amount
Public field discountPercentage The line percentage discount as shown on the invoice
Public field isService This indicates that the selling item is a service.
Public field itemClass Mandatory field only for transactions B2G 
The Item Classification according to Peppol. 
Get the Item Classification list using the myDATATools.getPeppolItemClass
Public field itemCode Mandatory field 
The item code of the selling item/service
Public field itemMeasurementUnit Free text 
The printable measurement unit of the item 
Example: Box
Public field itemName The item description of the selling item/service
Public field peppolExemptionCode Mandatory field only for transactions B2G 
Get the exemption code list using the myDATATools.getPeppolVatex
Public field peppolExemptionText Mandatory field only for transactions B2G 
Get the exemption code description list using the myDATATools.getPeppolVatex
Public field peppolMeasurementUnit Mandatory field 
Get the Measurement Unit list using the myDATATools.getPeppolMeasurmentUnit
Public field peppolTaxCategory Mandatory field only for transactions B2G 
Get the Tax Category list using the myDATATools.getPeppolTaxCategory

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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