issuer Structure

Struct issuer 
It contains all the necessary fields required to determine an Issuer.
Public Structure issuer
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public struct issuer
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Name Description
Public field branch mandatory field only when the isDeliveryNote = True or the invoiceType = 9.3. 
The branch, type of Integer
Public field city It is a mandatory field for non Greek Issuers 
mandatory field only when the isDeliveryNote = True or the invoiceType = 9.3, no matter if the issuer is Greek or not. 
The city, type of String
Public field country mandatory field. 
The country, type of String 
Get a list of all countries using myDATATools.getCountries
Public field countryDocumentId The country code of the country that issued the supplyAccountNo
Usually it takes the same value as the country field. Only when the documentNo is also valued does this field have value.
Public field documentNo Acceptable only for tax-free invoices (specialInvoiceCategory = 4) 
The document number, type of String
Public field name It is a mandatory field for non Greek Issuers. 
mandatory field only when the isDeliveryNote = True or the invoiceType = 9.3, no matter if the issuer is Greek or not. 
The name, type of String
Public field postalCode It is a mandatory field for non Greek Issuers. 
mandatory field only when the isDeliveryNote = True or the invoiceType = 9.3, no matter if the issuer is Greek or not. 
The postal code, type of String
Public field street The street, type of String
Public field streetNo mandatory field only when the isDeliveryNote = True or the invoiceType = 9.3. 
The street number, type of String
Public field supplyAccountNo This field has value only in the case of fuel invoices. 
The electricity supply account number, type of string
Public field vatNumber mandatory field. 
The vat number, type of String

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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