RequestInvoicesProvider Class

Class Request Invoices 
With this class, you can retrieve the invoices sent by the entity or sent to the entity.
Public Class RequestInvoicesProvider
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public class RequestInvoicesProvider
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Name Description
Public constructor RequestInvoicesProvider(string, string, string, string, string, bool) Creates a new instance of the RequestInvoicesProvider 
This class should be used only from Providers.
Name Description
Public method Request(string, int, bool) Request - Get all invoices invoices sent by the entity.
Public method getErrorMessage() Get the myDATA error message. If there is no error, it returns Null
Public method getInvoices() Get the summary of all invoices into a DataTable, ready to be displayed in a grid. 
Returns a data table containing the following columns: 
index, issuerVAT, invoiceProviderMark, invoiceUid, authenticationCode 
in that order.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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