RequestInvoices.getCancellationHistory Method

Get the cancellation history. 
It returns an ArrayList containing ArrayLists of the canellation history. Each item of the ArrayList contains the following items: 
invoiceMark, cancellationMark, cancellationDate 
in that order.
Public Function getCancellationHistory() As DataTable
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public DataTable getCancellationHistory()
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Return Value

 ArrayList cancelHistory = rqd.getcancellationHistory(); // get the cancellation history
 foreach (var entie in cancelHistory)
     int invoiceMark = entie(0);
     double cancellationMark = entie(1);
     DateTime cancellationDate = entie(2);
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 Dim cancelHistory As ArrayList = rqd.getcancellationHistory() ' get the cancellation history
 For Each entie In cancelHistory
     Dim invoiceMark As Integer = entie(0)
     Dim cancellationMark As Double = entie(1)
     Dim cancellationDate As Date = entie(2)
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.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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