invoiceLine Structure

Struct invoiceLine. 
It contains all the fields of an invoice line.
Public Structure invoiceLine
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public struct invoiceLine
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Name Description
Public field Quantity The quantity, type of Double
Public field RecType The record type, type of Integer 
This field has value when the line contains fees or other duties subject to VAT. Additionally, this field should have values if the line is about "Gift Card". 
Get a list of all record types using myDATATools.getRecType
Public field VatAmount It is the Math netValue * (vatCategory / 100) 
The vat amount, type of Double
Public field VatCategory The vat category, type of Integer 
Determines the VAT percentage of the line. 
Get a list of all VatCategory using myDATATools.getVatCategory
Public field deductionsAmount The deductions amount of the line, type of Double
Public field dienergia The dienergia, type of dienergia This field determines the ship's details. Use it only when the invoice is about selling ships.
Public field discountOption The discount option, type of Boolean
Public field expensesClassification The expenses classification, type of expensesClassification
Public field feesAmount The fees amount of the line, type of Double 
Public field feesPercentCategory The fees percent category of the line, type of Integer 
Get a list of all feesPercentCategory using myDATATools.getFeesCategory
Public field fuelCode The fuel code, type of Integer
Public field incomeClassification The income classification, type of incomeClassification
Public field invoiceDetailType The invoice detail type, type of Integer 
This field has value only when the invoiceType is 1.5 (Clearance of Sales).  
To see how to syntax an invoice 1.5, check the example 1.5 (Clearance of Sales) 
Get a list of all invoiceDetailType using myDATATools.getInvoiceDetailType
Public field itemCode The item's Code, type of String 
Typically, the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) number or an alternative internal item designation is utilised. 
This field has value only on invoices 1.1 [A dispatch note and invoice are enclosed], or on invoices 9.3.
Public field itemDescr The item description, type of String 
This field has value only on tax-free invoices, or on invoices 1.1 [A dispatch note and invoice are enclosed], or on invoices 9.3.
Public field lineComments The line comments, type of String
Public field lineNumber The line number, type of Integer
Public field measurementUnit The measurement unit, type of Integer 
Get a list of all measurementUnit using myDATATools.getMeasurementUnit
Public field netValue The net value, type of Double
Public field otherMeasurementTitle Thsi field has value only when measurementUnit=7 (Other Measurement Unit). 
This is a free-text field in which the "Other Measurment Unit" is described.
Public field otherQuantity Thsi field has value only when measurementUnit=7 (Other Measurement Unit). 
Public field otherTaxesAmount The other taxes amount of the line, type of Double
Public field otherTaxesPercentCategory The other taxes percent category of the line, type of Integer 
Get a list of all otherTaxesPercentCategory using myDATATools.getOtherTaxesCategory
Public field quantity15 The quantity15, type of Double 
The Amount of Temperature 15 degrees.
Public field stampDutyAmount The stamp duty amount of the line, type of Double 
Public field stampDutyPercentCategory The stamp duty percent category of the line, type of Integer 
Get a list of all stampDutyPercentCategory using myDATATools.getStampDutyCategory
Public field taricNo The item's Taric Number, type of String 
Typically, it is the ten-character Integrated Tariff of the European Union. 
This field has value only on invoices 1.1 [A dispatch note and invoice are enclosed], or on invoices 9.3.
Public field vatExemptionCategory This field has value when VatCategory is 7 (0,00%) 
The vat exemption category, type of Integer 
Get a list of all vatExemptionCategory using myDATATools.getVatExemptionCategory
Public field withheldAmount The withheld amount of the line, type of Double 
Public field withheldPercentCategory The withheld percent category of the line, type of Integer 
Get a list of all withheldPercentCategory using myDATATools.getWithheldCategory

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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