selfPricing Field

The self pricing, type of Boolean 
This value is "true" if the invoice issued by the issuer represents an expense for the issuer and a profit for the counterpart. 
Public selfPricing As Boolean
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public bool selfPricing
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Field Value

Practical Examples 1. When selfPricing is true and the method is "sent by the entity" and the entity is the issuer: The invoice represents the entity's expense. 
2. When selfPricing is true and the method is "sent by the entity" and the entity is the counterpart: The invoice represents the entity's income. 
3. When selfPricing is true and the method is "sent to the entity" and the entity is the issuer: The invoice represents the entity's income. 
4. When selfPricing is true and the method is "sent to the entity" and the entity is the counterpart: The invoice represents the entity's expense.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

In this article
