elements Structure

Struct elements 
It contains all the necessary fields required to determine an invoice.
Public Structure elements
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public struct elements
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Name Description
Public field aa The invoice number, type of Long
Public field correlatedInvoices The correlated invoices, type of String 
The field labelled "correlated invoices" it has values only when invoice type is 1.6, 2.4, and 5.1. 
Its value should correspond to the "Mark" associated with the original invoice.
Public field currency ISO Currency Code, type of String 
Get a list of all currency codes using myDATATools.getCurrencies
Public field deductionsAmount The total deductions amount of the invoice, type of Double
Public field dispatchDate The dispatch date, type of Date 
Determines the date the dispatch will start.
Public field dispatchTime The dispatch time, type of String 
Determines the time (24-hour) the dispatch will start. Example: 18:31
Public field exchangeRate It has value only when you use a currency other than EUR. 
Get the Exchage Rates using ExchangeRates Class. 
The exchange rate, type of Double
Public field feesAmount The total fees amount of the invoice, type of Double
Public field fuelInvoice The fuel invoice, type of Boolean.  
Determines if the invoice stands for "Fuel Invoice".
Public field grossValue The total gross value of the invoice, type of Double
Public field invoiceType The invoice type, type of String 
Get a list of all invoiceType using myDATATools.getInvoiceType
Public field invoiceVariationType The invoice variation type, type of Integer 
This data is returned in the event that an entity failed to transmit the invoice to myDATA and its counterparty instead transmitted it on his behalf. 
Get a list of all invoiceVariationType using myDATATools.getInvoiceVariationType
Public field isDeliveryNote Indication of Delivery Note, type of Boolean 
Determines if the invoice also stands for a delivery note. It is only applicable to invoice Type 1.1. 
Public field issueDate The issue date, type of Date
Public field movePurpose The move purpose of the dispatch, type of Integer 
Get a list of all movePurpose using myDATATools.getMovePurpose
Public field netValue The total net value of the invoice, type of Double
Public field noteAddress It has values only when Invoice Type is 9.4 [or 1.1 with isDeliveryNote=True] 
Delivery Note Addresses is an object of deliveryNoteAddresses containing the loading and delivery addresses. 
Public field otherCorrelatedEntities Other Correlated Entities is a list type of otherCorrelatedEntities
This list is optional and can be send with any invoiceType.
Public field otherMovePurposeTitle It has values only when movePurpose=18 
A concise explanation of the "Other Move Purpose" can be provided in this field, which is a free text area.
Public field otherTaxesAmount The total other taxes amount of the invoice, type of Double
Public field selfPricing The self pricing, type of Boolean 
This value is "true" if the invoice issued by the issuer represents an expense for the issuer and a profit for the counterpart. 
Public field series Determines the series of the invoice. If there is no series, it will be zero (0). 
The series, type of String
Public field specialInvoiceCategory The special invoice category, type of Integer 
The values returned in this field show if the invoice pertains to a unique invoice type and not the one specified in the invoiceType. 
Get a list of all specialInvoiceCategory using myDATATools.getspecialInvoiceCategory
Public field stampDutyAmount The total stamp duty amount of the invoice, type of Double
Public field taxes The taxes of the invoice, type of Dictionary
Public field thirdPartyCollection It has value only when Invoice Type is 8.4 or 8.5
Public field transmissionFailure It has value only when the invoice issue date is earlier than the current date and outside of the range set by the myDATA limitations law. 
Possible values for ERP: 3 (Loss of connection) 
Possible values for Providers: 1 (failure of entity to communicate with the provider) and 2 (failure of the provider to communicate with myDATA) 
The transmission failure, type of Integer
Public field vatAmount The total vat amount of the invoice, type of Double
Public field vatPaymentSuspension The vat payment suspension, type of Boolean 
Determines if the issuer is not obligated to pay the VAT to the government. 
Public field vehicleNumber The licence plate of the vehicle that it is associated with the dispatch, type of String
Public field withHeldAmount The total withheld amount of the invoice, type of Double

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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