myDATATools.getGovName Method
Check if a Greek VAT Number belongs to a Government Organization.
This is ctitical for the Invoicing Provider, in order to determine if the transaction is B2G.
Public Function getGovName( _
ByVal govID As String _
) As String
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The Government Organization ID. Example: 1053.2020000000.0001
Return Value
myDATATools mdt = new myDATATools("Arbitrans User", "Arbitrans Key");
bool gov = mdt.isGov(123456789); // Where 123456789 is the Greek Vat Number (9 digits)
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Dim mdt as myDATATools = new myDATATools("Arbitrans User", "Arbitrans Key")
Dim gov As Boolean = mdt.isGov(123456789) 'Where 123456789 is the Greek Vat Number (9 digits)
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.NET Framework
Supported in: 3.5 or newer