myDATATools.getPeppolVatex Method

Get the full list of vatExemptionCodes according to peppol. 
This method returns data for the provLine.peppolExemptionCode and provLine.peppolExemptionText fields. For more information about each exemption code, check the Peppol Vatex 
This function is not available in the Trial Version.
Public Function getPeppolVatex() As Dictionary(Of String, String)
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public Dictionary<string, string> getPeppolVatex()
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Return Value

Dictionary<string, string>
 myDATATools mdt = new myDATATools("Arbitrans User", "Arbitrans Key");
 Dictionary<string, string> vatex = mdt.getGovs();
 foreach (var v in vatex)
     Console.WriteLine("  vatex Code: " & vatex.Key);
     Console.WriteLine("vatex reason: " & vatex.Value);
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 Dim mdt as myDATATools = new myDATATools("Arbitrans User", "Arbitrans Key")
 Dim vatex As Dictionary(Of String, String) = mdt.getPeppolVatex()
 For Each v In vatex
     Console.WriteLine("  vatex Code: " & vatex.Key)
     Console.WriteLine("vatex reason: " & vatex.Value)
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.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

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