myDATATools.calcNetVatRound Method

Calculates the Net Value and VAT Amount from the Gross Value while ensuring that the Gross Value remains constant. 
Use this function when you want to populate the exact net value and VAT amount, so the gross value is intact. 
This is useful when have a gross value and you need to calculate the net valu and value.
Public Function calcNetVatRound( _ 
ByVal grossValue As Double, _ 
ByVal vatPercent As Double
) As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
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public Dictionary<string, object> calcNetVatRound( 
double grossValue
double vatPercent 
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The gross value.


The vat percent.

Return Value

Dictionary<string, object>
 myDATATools mdt = new myDATATools("Arbitrans User", "Arbitrans Key");
 double result = mdt.calcMyDataGrossValue(10.0d, 24.0d);
 // returns a dictionary as following:
 // {netValue, 8.06}
 // {vatAmount, 1.94}
 // {grossValue, 10}
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 Dim mdt as myDATATools = new calcMyDataGrossValue()
 Dim result As Double = mdt.calcGrossValue(10.0, 24.0)
 ' returns a dictionary as following:
 ' {netValue, 8.06}
 ' {vatAmount, 1.94}
 ' {grossValue, 10}
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.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.5 or newer

In this article
